KeyCom SA general terms and conditions ofuse
1. Presentation
These terms of use provide a generaldescription of the rules applicable to our services. By using our services, youagree to these terms of use.
We reserve the right to modify or update theseTerms of Use at any time without notice. Changes will take effect immediatelyupon posting. Use of our services constitutes acceptance of these changes. Wetherefore recommend that you regularly consult these terms of use (on ourwebsite).
KeyCom SA, the direct representative ofyour building-management, implements the administration and payment systemdescribed in this document. It ensures the supply of your balance on behalf ofthe owner of your building. The building-management remains the supplier andbeneficial owner of the revenues generated by the services covered by thisdocument, hereinafter the « services ».
2. Newinstallation / Return of old laundry cards
In the case where the installation of our solutions replaces apre-existing payment system, and you are in possession of a card or badge whosebalance you would like to recover. We invite you to refer to your building management.Unless otherwise specifications before installation, we are in no wayresponsible for other systems in place previously. Requests relating to anydeposits for your laundry cards should be addressed to the management orconcierge of your building.
3. Use of ourservices
You must use our services in compliancewith applicable laws. Do not attempt in any way to alter the proper functioningof our services, to access information by methods outside those that we makeavailable to you or to use our services in an improper way.
We reserve the right to suspend temporarilyor indefinitely your account and all our services if you do not comply withthese terms of use or applicable regulations.
Any account blocking automaticallygenerate 5.- CHF fees. The main reasons for the blocking can be the following :
- Exceeding the user’s total having’s (see point 6)
- Non-compliance with the rules (see points 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 & 10)
- Inactivity for more than 9 months (see point 8)
- Loss and replacement of badge
As part of the use of our services and/orto respond to a request, we may send you messages or notifications by variousmeans, related to the operation of our services.
4. Your useraccount
You must have a user account to access ourservices. Your user account can be created by yourself during the registrationprocess, or by your building management. In all cases, your user account mustbe validated by an administrator of our services. You certify that the personalinformation you provide us is accurate.
The registration fee for a new user is30.- CHF and provides a single identification method (IDM). Then, at yourrequest, you can order an additional IDM for a complementary amount of 5.- CHF.These invoiced amounts correspond to the operational costs of KeyCom SA. Theamounts will be automatically deducted from the balance of your user account.
You are entirely responsible for allactivity carried out through your account and for maintaining theconfidentiality of your means of connection. You agree to notify us of anyfraudulent use of your user account by a third party and not to make commercialuse of our services without our prior authorization. Your right to use ourservices is strictly personal.
5. Chargeyour user account
You are required to charge your useraccount using the following secure payment methods :
- Twint
- E-banking
- Direct debit LSV/DD
- Preprinted QR-bills with your name
The minimum amount for a recharge must be10.- CHF and the maximum amount 300.- CHF.
The order of QR-bills is charged 3.- CHF(stamp costs included). Please note that payments made at the post office aresubject to processing fees. These costs are the responsibility of the user andamount to 2.- CHF by transaction. They will be automatically deducted from yourtotal recharge during the registration of the transaction by KeyCom SA.
As the direct representative of thebuilding owner, any addition of credit / income is invoiced on behalf of thelatter. The building owner remains the sole beneficial owner of the incomegenerated by the service in question. (KeyCom SA does not earn anycommission on revenue generated from laundry usage.)
6. Yourbalance
The balance of your user accountrepresents the amount available for the use of our services. You receive nointerest or income from your balance. You are not required to maintain apermanent balance, but if you wish to use our services, your balance must be ofan amount that at least allows you to pay for the use. When using with aninsufficient balance, the account will be blocked and additional fees of 5.-CHF will be applied.
Your balance must never exceed the maximumamount of 600.- CHF per user account. We would like to inform you that theSwiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) does not exercise anysupervision over the activities of KeyCom SA. Therefore, the balance of youruser account is not covered by the deposit guarantee.
You agree that we may exercisecompensation for any amount due on your balance, in particular the deductionduring credit advance and administrative costs. We reserve the right to sendyou a reminder invoice for the amount due, plus administrative costs in theevent of non-reimbursement.
7. Moving / Cancellationand reimbursement
You can stop using our services withoutdelay by sending us a cancellation letter by post or e-mail. We undertake toreturn the amount of your account balance after deducting any applicable fees.(A refund form is available on our website)
In the event of a change of name /holderor a moving, you are required to inform us as soon as possible.
8. Dormantfunds
In case of inactivity on your user accountfor more than 9 months, your user account will be automatically deactivated.You must contact KeyCom SA within 12 months from the date of deactivation ofthe account to reactivate it. Once this period has elapsed, your account willbe deleted, and the amount of your balance forfeited.
Administrative fees of CHF 20.- will becharged either for reactivating the account or for requesting latecancellation.
9. Building rules
You are required to respect the rules ofyour building. Under no circumstances may you use our services in a way thatviolates the rules set by your building agency.
The prices for using the service aredetermined and set by the building management or owner. KeyCom SA has nodecision-making power over the prices applied in your building. These pricescan be modified at any time by them. If necessary, they will inform you of the pricechanges. The communication of the prices or any modification of the latter iscarried out by post, e-mail or directly near the devices allowing you to useour services. You ensure that you have read these prices, and if necessary,have contacted your responsible person directly for any price adjustmentrequest.
10. Time slots/ Laundry schedule
During the installation of our services,the pre-existing schedules or time slots remain valid. If no time slot orpre-existing schedule applies in your building, you are free to use the devicesat your convenience. However, at your management's request, we are likely tolimit the use of our services to enforce building regulations, in particular bysetting time slots for each user through a new schedule or by set up an onlinereservation system.
11. Modificationof our services
We may add, change, or remove features ofour services at any time. You therefore accept that it is possible to terminatepart or all our services, to modify your identifiers, your personal data, andyour preferences, or even to delete your user account for any reason. Anymodification of these terms of use may be made without prior notice.
12. Limitationde liability
Except if expressly stated in these Termsof Use, we cannot make any warranties regarding our Services. In the event ofsystem failures, standard delays are to be expected. We cannot therefore giveany guarantee on the duration of the intervention, whether physical, postal, orelectronic.
We also disclaim all liability for misuseof our services, direct or indirect depredation that could lead to loss ofprofits, data or other intangible property of users. Finally, we cannot be heldresponsible for any costs that may arise because of unauthorized access to ourservices.
13. Lawcompliance / Data protection
You assume that youhave read the applicable laws and are responsible for complying with them. Bythe same token you undertake to respect them and to enforce them within thelimits of your means.
The collection andprocessing of your personal data is carried out in accordance with our privacypolicy.